John is an Internet art director with an expertise in computer animation, web design and development. He is also a past President for the San Diego chapter of AIGA – American Institute of Graphics Arts. John holds a Bachelors and Masters degree in Fine Arts from the University of Wisconsin. With 22 years of professional design experience, John has worked with two international media development and marketing teams, Time Warner Interactive and Qualcomm Eudora. His strong background in graphic design, multimedia interface design and content planning makes John comfortable working with engineers, marketing managers and the zaniest of designers. In addition, John has dedicated many years to an intensive investigation of design and direction with Flash, Dreamweaver, CSS, CMS, and custom website development. He specializes in Interface Design, Flash Development, Animation, Website Development, CMS, Custom WordPress, Branding, Photography, Video integration, XHTML/HTML, CSS, Javascript, Spry, XML, Social Network Page Design, Search Engine Optimization.